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Ford launched its current generation F-150 in 2021 and just revealed its refreshed truck in early 2024. We were asked to develop launch creative for the campaign, specifically catered to speak to the Hispanic market. 

The concept - "New Strength" - and the majority of the copy in this campaign was written by me in English and then translated to Spanish. 

This campaign ran in early 2024 nationwide, primarily on Hispanic-focused channels. 


We took a long-form, general market spot created by Wieden + Kennedy and gave it our own Hispanic flavor. We added voiceover to a previously silent spot and gave the story a narrative about the true strength that the F-150 and its drivers hold. 



SUPER:  Pro Trailer Hitch Assist

  Alinea tu camioneta con el remolque con un botón
  Aligns truck and trailer with a button


VO:   Fortaleza es cargar mucho sobre tus hombros

  y el resto en tu camioneta.
  Strength is carrying a lot on your shoulders,

  and even more in your truck.


SUPER:  Pro Trailer Backup Assist™️

  Conduce tu remolque en reversa con solo girar una perilla
  Backup your trailer with the turn of a knob

SUPER:  Pro Access Tailgate

  Puerta oscilatoria de fácil acceso, incluso con remolque
  Easy access swing gate, even with a trailer

VO:   Fortaleza es preferir escuchar grillos que aplausos.

  Strength is preferring the sound of crickets

  over the sound of applause.


SUPER:  Pro Power Onboard

  Hasta 7.2 kilovatios de potencia con Powerboost
  Up to 7.2 kilowatts of power with Powerboost

VO:   Fortaleza es empezar de cero para darle todo a los que más cuentan.

  Because strength started with nothing,

  and gives everything to those who matter most.


VO/SUPER:   Presentamos la nueva Ford F-150 2024.

  Introducing the new 2024 Ford F-150.

VO:  Fuerza así de inteligente, solo puede ser F-150. 

  Tough this smart can only be called F-150.

CARD:  Construida con orgullo Ford / Built Ford Proud
  Fuerza Ford / Built Ford Tough


VO:  Fortaleza es construir un legado,

  Strength is building a legacy,


SUPER:  Pantalla Táctil de 12”

  De serie en la F-150

  12” Touchscreen

  Standard on every F-150

VO:   y poder llevarlo a donde quieras.

  and taking it wherever you go.

VO/SUPER:   Presentamos la nueva Ford F-150 2024.

  Introducing the new 2024 Ford F-150.


VO:  Fuerza así de inteligente, solo puede ser F-150. 

  Tough this smart can only be called F-150.





SUPER:  Pro Access Tailgate

  Puerta oscilatoria de fácil acceso, incluso con remolque
  Easy access swing gate, even with a trailer  

VO:  Fortaleza es hacer la cama,

  Strength is making your bed,

VO:   y  llenarla de herramientas.

  and putting your tools in it.

VO/SUPER:   Presentamos la nueva Ford F-150 2024.

  Introducing the new 2024 Ford F-150.

VO:  Fuerza así de inteligente, solo puede ser F-150. 

  Tough this smart can only be called F-150.



SUPER:  Pro Trailer Backup Assist™️

  Conduce tu remolque en reversa con solo girar una perilla.
  Backup your trailer with the turn of a knob


VO:  Fortaleza es poner la comida en la mesa,

  Strength is putting food on the table,

VO:   pero siempre comer de último.

  but always eating last.

VO/SUPER:   Presentamos la nueva Ford F-150 2024.

  Introducing the new 2024 Ford F-150.

VO:  Fuerza así de inteligente, solo puede ser F-150. 

  Tough this smart can only be called F-150.



VO:  Fortaleza es saber cuándo llevar la delantera,

   Strength is knowing when to lead the way,


SUPER:  Ford BlueCruise
  Conducción manos libres en carretera 

  Hands-free highway driving

VO:   y cuándo dejarse llevar.

  and when to let go.


VO/SUPER:   Presentamos la nueva Ford F-150 2024.

  Introducing the new 2024 Ford F-150.


VO:  Fuerza así de inteligente, solo puede ser F-150. 

  Tough this smart can only be called F-150.




SUPER:  Pro Power Onboard
  Hasta 7.2 kilovatios de potencia con Powerboost

  Up to 7.2 kilowatts of power with Powerboost


VO:  Fortaleza es medir dos veces

  Strength is measuring twice


VO:   para cortar solo una vez.

  to cut only once.

VO/SUPER:   Presentamos la nueva Ford F-150 2024.

  Introducing the new 2024 Ford F-150.


VO:  Fuerza así de inteligente, solo puede ser F-150. 

  Tough this smart can only be called F-150.




Ford F150 "Sonidos"Zubi
00:00 / 00:30



Actions speak louder than words.

Open the available Pro Access Tailgate of the new Ford F-150,

with easy access swing gate,

SFX: opening of tailgate sound

and turn your truck bed into your new workshop.

Connect your tools to the available Pro Power Onboard.

Whether you need to weld…

SFX: buzz of a welding sound

or cut wood…

SFX: cutting on a bandsaw

with the F-150 you can.

Tough this smart can only be called F-150.

Built Ford Proud.

Legal: Pro Access Tailgate available starting spring 2024.

Ford F150 - "Foco"Zubi
00:00 / 00:30



Whether you’re under the spotlight,

or under your own roof, 

Whether you’ve got 90 minutes or 9 hours.

Whether you’re facing changes,

or a long drive.

Strength is doing everything
as if the whole world were watching. 

Introducing the new 2024 Ford F-150.

Tough this smart can only be called F-150.  

Built Ford Proud.

Built Ford Tough.

Ford F150 - "Dedo"Zubi
00:00 / 00:30



You’ve got a lot on your hands.

But you only have to lift a finger

to back up with available Pro Trailer Backup Assist™.

So whether you’re working hard or playing hard,

this truck’s got your back.

Because we made it to be a crucial part of your team.

Introducing the new 2024 Ford F-150. 

Tough this smart can only be called F-150.

Built Ford Proud.

Built Ford Tough.

CD: Sabrina Ochoa
ACD: Roberto Lopez

Sr. AD: Nuno Mendes

CW: Johnny Constable

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